What’s up everyone and welcome to today’s recipe on How to make French Toast. Today we are making French toast which is easy, delicious and very fun to make. What I like about this recipe is that it doesn’t require a fixed amount of ingredients. You can always add more from the things that you like or remove from those that you don’t like. With that said, let’s grab everything we need and start making it.
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For this recipe we are going to need:
- 2 slices of bread
- 2 eggs
- about a cup of milk
- half a teaspoon of ground nutmeg
- 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
- a tablespoon of butter
- a bunch of raspberries
- and some maple syrup.
Preparing the egg mixture
First, we are going to prepare the egg mixture that we are going to dip the breads in. Crack both of the eggs and start stirring them with a fork. Furthermore, make sure to use a bowl that is big enough to fit the bread in. If the bowl is not big enough, the slices of bread will not be soaked properly.
Adding the Milk
And now it’s time to add the milk. As I mentioned it before, we can always adjust the ingredients for this recipe. In addition, if you want your French toast to be more on the egg side make sure to add less milk. In my scenario, I’m going to be adding about a cup of milk.
The Secret
Mix it really well and now it’s time to add the nutmeg and the cinnamon. After our mixture is ready, we are going to dip the slices of bread in it. Now, the secret to the best French toast is to use stale bread and let the bread soak in for at least 5 minutes. In my scenario, I am using a sourdough bread which is pretty stale but if you’re using a brioche bread or some sort of bread that is very soft, make sure not to soak it for that long because it will make the bread very saggy.
While the bread is being soaked in, don’t forget to check my Instagram page @xhuliocooks where I post other recipes and restaurant reviews.
Cooking the French Toast
Next, Let’s add the butter in a frying pan and then add the slice of bread and fry for 3 minutes on each side.
When the French toast is ready, it is going to look dark brownish on both sides. Now that the toast is cooked, let’s add your favorite fruits and some maple syrup. And that’s how you make French toast. Nonetheless, if you did like this recipe don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and I’ll see you on the next recipe.

Tips and Tricks on How to make French Toast
- First, use stale sourdough or stale bread. if it is 2 or 3 days old then it is perfect!
- Next, use thick slices of bread. Roughly about 2.5cm/1 inch thick.
- Next, let the bread soak for at least 5 minutes. That way the French Toast will be very soft.
- Always use legit butter. Always use real butter. If you use margarine or any sort of fake butter, it will not have the same taste. Real butter gives that brownish golden color.
- Also, make sure the stale bread does not have mold. If it has mold then throw it away.
- Finally, Preheat the oven at 90C/195F to keep them warm, if you are cooking for more than 1 person. Serving warm French Toast plays a significant role in the taste. Try to serve as soon as possible.
Is French toast French?
Did you know that French Toast is not French? As per an assortment of Recipes from the mid 5th century AD, the dish we currently know as French Toast existed as early as the age of the Roman Empire. In their style of French Toast, called Pan Dulcis, Romans would soak bread in a milk and egg combination, and later fry it in oil. Others think that French Toast was made by medieval European cooks who wanted to utilize all of food they could have to take care of their families. They realized day-old bread could be restored when soaked and warmed. They added the eggs for extra protein and moisture.
If you love bread, you would love this one aswell!

How to make French Toast – Secret Recipe
- 2 slices Bread
- 2 Eggs
- 2 tsp Cinnamon
- 0.5 tsp Nutmeg
- 1 tbsp Butter
- 1 cup Milk
- 100 gr Favorite Fruit
- 2 tbsp Maple Syrup
Preparing the egg mixture for French Toast
- First, we are going to prepare the egg mixture that we are going to dip the breads in. Crack both of the eggs and start stirring them with a fork. Furthermore, make sure to use a bowl that is big enough to fit the bread in. If the bowl is not big enough, the slices of bread will not be soaked properly.
Adding the Milk
- And now it’s time to add the milk. As I mentioned it before, we can always adjust the ingredients for this recipe. In addition, if you want your French toast to be more on the egg side make sure to add less milk. In my scenario, I’m going to be adding about a cup of milk.
The Secret to the Best French Toast
- Mix it really well and now it’s time to add the nutmeg and the cinnamon. After our mixture is ready, we are going to dip the slices of bread in it.
- Now, the secret to the best French toast is to use stale bread and let the bread soak in for at least 5 minutes.
- In my scenario, I am using a sourdough bread which is pretty stale but if you’re using a brioche bread or some sort of bread that is very soft, make sure not to soak it for that long because it will make the bread very saggy.
Cooking the French Toast
- Next, Let’s add the butter in a frying pan and then add the slice of bread and fry for 3 minutes on each side.
- When the French toast is ready, it is going to look dark brownish on both sides. Now that the French toast is cooked, let’s add your favorite fruits and some maple syrup. And that’s how you make French toast.